Liposuction, Liposculpture

Some fat deposits in the body seem to be virtually resistant to any type of diet. Even targeted training and special products cannot seem to reduce them by more than the minutest amount. The most up-to-date medical knowledge has discovered that the body not only produces diet-dependent fat, but diet-resistant fat as well. Liposculpture (body contouring) permanently removes these fat deposits as long as no weight is gained following the procedure. Fat deposits on the stomach, lower back, hips, thighs, knees, lower legs, upper arms and face as well as under the chin can be treated in this way, resulting in the contours of the body being aesthetically reshaped.


Liposuction and liposculpture are performed in our clinic as outpatient procedures under local anesthesia or, if the patient prefers, under spinal anesthesia. The fat deposit is removed through a 5 mm long incision made in the skin, into which a narrow cannula is inserted. The small size of this incision means that visible scarring rarely occurs. Following the procedure, a pressure garment must be worn for between four and six weeks. Pain usually only occurs for one week after the procedure and is similar to that caused by a strained muscle. Frequently treated areas from where fat is removed include the stomach, lower back, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, upper arms, chest, neck and face.


During the healing process after a liposuction or liposculpture procedure, patients may suffer from temporary blue/violet bruising, numbness of the skin and slight hardening of the fatty tissue. Patients can usually return to work one week following the procedure. A significant reduction in the fat deposits is noticeable after just two weeks and the final result is achieved after six months.


Like all surgery, liposuction/liposculpture carries certain risks. In cases of low skin elasticity, skin irregularities and wrinkles are possible. A small amount of asymmetry may also arise but this can be corrected. In very rare cases, the procedure can lead to infections or thrombosis. Doctors who perform liposuction/liposculpture require extensive skills and knowledge in this field, and undesirable results are sometimes difficult or even impossible to put right. Our picture gallery includes an example of unsatisfactory results (operation not performed in our clinic), and how they were corrected using fat grafting. It also features an example of a cellulite removal procedure. Put yourself in safe hands by ensuring that your liposuction/liposculpture procedure is carried out by a qualified FMH (Swiss Medical Association) specialist in plastic surgery.

To find out more about our prices, please call +41 52 212 80 80.